วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม 2564
09:00 - 12:00

(Zoom Online Meeting)
The Meeting was finished
3 Directions in Orthodontic

Bracket Design

Orthodontic Wire

Orthodontic Mechanics
About this seminar
สัมมนานี้ จะเน้นแนวทาง mechanic ที่แนวโน้มจะไม่ถอนฟัน premolars มากขึ้น และหากจำเป็นต้องถอน จะเลือกทำ En Masse mechanic มากกว่า 2 step space closing (ดึง canine แล้ว ตบปิด 4 ซี่หน้า)
Bracket Designs
Story of friction
- Bracket Surface
- Arch wire
- Elastic
Factors effected
- Contact Interface
- Dynamic Friction Angle
- Interbracket Space
- Rotational Control
- Single
- Twin Bracket
- Synergy Bracket
Friction & Bracket Design
- Friction Problems
- The friction increases with …Surface texture of
Tooth Color VS Metal
- Composite
- Ceramic
Development of Bracket
- Ligated Bracket
- Self Ligated Bracket
Evolution of Bracket
- Twin Bracket
- Flared Twin Bracket
- SWLF vs Self Ligated
- Low Friction Bracket
- SWLF (Straight Wire Low Friction)
- Waving slot with Flared
- Six Tie Wings
- Higher Middle Tie Wing
Bracket Selection
- Bimax protrustion
- Max Prognathism
- Class II, Div 2
- Heavy Tongue Thrusting
Orthodontic Wire
Orthodontic Wires
- Martensite Stabilized Alloy
- SIM = Stress Induced Martensite
- TIM = Thermal Induced Martensite
Wire Stiffness Comparison Guide
- Force 9
- D-Rect
- Respond
SWLF Recipe
- Treatment Chart
- Wire Selection
The Concept
- Superelastic Archwires
- Stiffness Archwires
Ligation Option
- Incisors
- Canine – Premolar
Orthodontic Mechanic
Fixed Orthodontic
Standard Edgewise
- Broussard Two-Force
- Straight Wire
– Bioprogressive
– Biomechanic
– Lingual Technique Self Ligate Bracket
Begg Lightwire
- Jarabak Techique
- MEAW [Dr. Kim Korea]
- GEAW [Dr. Akiyoshi Shirasu Dr. Sadao Sato]
- LH [Low Hysteresis]
Gummetal [Dr. Shin Hasagawa]
Removable Orthodontic
Interceptive Orthodontic
- Invisalign
Functional Appliances
- Mono Block
- Twin Block
- EF Line

Dr.Thaweesak Unprasert D.D.S.
Professional Background
- Professional General Dentist
- Teaching Topic: Amalgom Restorations for postgraduate student, department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of dentistary, Mahidol University
- Design Dental Equipment Dr. “U” Hand Instruments Set by Hue Friedy, USA. For Amalgam & Composite filling
- Teaching Topic: Bonding system for postgraduated student, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University.
- Guest Teacher for lecture & instructor in Faculty of dentistry, Srinakarinviroj University
Member Club and Association
- The Dental Council Thailand Registration license no. 1674
- Member of the Dental Council Thailand
- The president of The Dental Association of Thailand
- Teaching Topic: Bonding system for postgraduated student, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University.
- The Vice President of dental Trader Association of Thailand, DTAT